Excemed neurology conference in madrid

Medical neurology conference

ONdesign played a critical role in the success of the Excemed Neurology Conference held in Madrid, where over 500 people attended. The company was responsible for creating the scenography and coordinating the visual material for the event, and its expertise in design and attention to detail helped to create a professional and cohesive atmosphere.

The scenography created by ONdesign provided a visually appealing and functional space for attendees to engage with the content of the conference. The company’s experience in creating immersive and impactful environments was evident in the conference’s design, which left a lasting impression on attendees.

In addition to the scenography, ONdesign also coordinated the visual material for the conference, including designing presentations, event video, and other materials that complemented the overall look and feel of the event. Also the coordination of visual material helped to ensure that the conference had a consistent and professional appearance, which helped to enhance the attendee experience.

In conclusion, ONdesign’s contribution to the Excemed Neurology Conference was invaluable, and the expertise in scenography and visual coordination helped to create a professional and memorable event for the over 500 attendees. ONdesign’s commitment to excellence in design and attention to detail will continue to make it a valuable partner in creating successful conferences and events.